When buying an ETUIX bag or accessory, you can be sure to own a bag which is “unique “and different from any other bag. The patterns and colours on each item are always different from each other; but the items always keep the same high quality that ETUIX guarantees for each of its products.

Enough of being conventional and being like everyone else!  Stand out of the pack by buying and wearing an ETUIX bag!

ETUIX offers the companies, who have made use of a PVC poster in their advertising campaigns, the opportunity of recycling it to create bags, ipad and iphone covers, and all other ETUIX products: they can reuse them as gadgets for their customers, for their employees or as retail sales carrying their brand name.

The PVC sheet does not necessarily have to be recycled; it can be made purposefully by the company as a means of advertising by creating unique and original accessories, named after their brand by the same company.

For the companies who care about the environment and the community, ETUIX provides an instrument of co-marketing and promotion which has a twofold effect: it complements the breakthrough consisting in “green communication” together with the following up of an “outdoor” campaign; so that the company shows its care for environmental issues.

ETUIX provides all its creativity to make fashion items that can match your target and respect the eco-friendly philosophy which characterises the brand.

Some important companies have already chosen to communicate with their partners and customers through charming, original, unique and most of all environmentally-friendly products.


Are you interested in our projects? Would you like to buy accessories which are fashionable and environmentally-friendly at the same time? Contact us!
We will be happy to help you!


Time Place Tower
Dubai Marina - UAE
Tel: +971 585 160 291
Email: info@etuix.com

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